January 2025 Updates

January 26, 2025

Minnesota Legislature

Is not off to a good start. Due to several disputed Minnesota House seats, neither party has a quorum, and the Minnesota Supreme Court ruled on Friday January 25 that the House cannot conduct its business without a quarum. Democrats sought a power seeking resolution, but that has not come to pass as of January 26. Hearings for the week of January 27 have been cancelled until these issues are resolved. In the meantime though, several bills have been introduced to cancel and claw back appropriations approved last session for transit, commuter rail, and Northern Lights Express. These bills include:

HF14 (Robbins) Temporary moratorium established on certain light rail transit expenditures.

HF 84 (Koznick) Commissioner of transportation and Metropolitan Council required to request approval to discontinue Northstar passenger rail operations, and report required

HF 85 (Koznick) Northstar Commuter Rail line performance requirements and conditional termination established.

HF240 (Anderson, P E) Northern Lights Express passenger rail project expenditures prohibited.

HF241 (Anderson P E) Passenger rail appropriation modified.

All Aboard Minnesota obviously vigorously opposes these bills, and we will testify against them when these bills are heard. It should be clear to Minnesota Legislators that Minnesotans want more rail passenger service, not less. The success of the Borealis is a clear measure that when rail service is provided, people will use it. As we have reported also, the Empire Builder has seen an increase in ridership over last year. Please contact your Minnesota House and Senate representatives, along with the Governors office, and tell them you oppose these bills. Citizen advocacy works!

Speaking of the Borealis - as we just reported on the December 2024 numbers, ridership remains very strong, and the train is likely to exceed its forecast for annual ridership within the first eight months. See the full report on the the "New Train 2nd Train - Twin Cities to Chicago" landing page in the About section of this site. We've also published some interesting ridership analysis of the Borealis, and its financial and on time performance.

Twin Cities - Des Moines - Kansas City -

All Aboard Minnesota recently published a comprehensive report and anlaysis on this route, about what it would take to restore passenger service on this line. We strongly believe it has strong potential, and have asked MnDOT to consider this route for a future FRA Corridor ID application. We have provided the report to MnDOT, Iowa DOT, MoDOT, chairs of the House and Senate Transportation Committees, the Governors office, and Rep. Melissa Hortman. You can read the full report on the About - Our Vision - Twin Cities - Des Moines - Kansas City Route page. We will keep you posted with any developments.