MN Senate passes amendment to ban funding for Northern Lights Express (NLX) service
May 6, 2022
The MN Senate passed an amendment recently that would ban all state funding for the new Twin Cities to Duluth service, the Northen Lights Express (NLX). The House and Governors office are supportive, however. The House Transportation Committee included a proposal in their Transportation bill that would provide $85M to gain a larger federal grant to complete construction on the line from the Twin Cities to Duluth. We sincerely hope the differences between the House and Senate Transportation bills can be worked out in committee and NLX funding will be in the final version of the Transportation bill.
All Aboard Minnesota, in coordination with NLX Alliance, the Rail Passengers Association, and Midwest High Speed Rail, all sent out action alerts to our members and friends, asking everyone to call their legislators to support NLX funding. The All Aboard Action alert is posted on our Facebook page, link here
The NLX Alliance also issued a press release on the Senate ban - click here - NLX Press Release