St Paul - April 14, 2021 - Passenger rail advocates All Aboard Minnesota announced that the four Minnesota cities to be served by an additional Amtrak train from the Twin Cities to Chicago passed resolutions asking the legislature to fund the service.
St Paul, Red Wing, Winona, and La Crescent city councils recently passed resolutions noting the benefits to be gained by their communities - asking for $10 million in state funding to match a $32 million Federal grant award. These funds will be used for $40 million of infrastructure in Minnesota, to improve passenger and freight rail operations and safety.The resolutions cite the economic, mobility, environmental and connectivity benefits provided by this additional service.
Winona Mayor, Scott Sherman stated: "The additional daily train will provide a real travel option for college students, tourists and commuters alike. Much needed infrastructure improvements will greatly reduce wait times throughout the city and improve grade crossing safety. Recognizing the importance of a second train, the Winona City Council recently approved its 5th resolution in support of the project. This second train is essential to all the people who live in and travel to Winona."
Red Wing mayor, Mike Wilson added: "We are excited about this new train. It will provide Red Wing residents a travel choice they need and want, along with economic benefits to our city."
All Aboard Minnesota President, Brian Nelson observed that: "There is now a broader coalition of bi-partisan support for passenger rail expansion in Minnesota. This train could be the first leg of the MnDOT Passenger Rail plan, which expands service to 30 greater-Minnesota cities. City administrations and legislators are recognizing the mobility and positive economic benefits passenger trains can provide their communities. The entire State would receive the benefits of taking hundreds of thousands of passengers out of cars, with resulting reductions in congestion delays, pressure on roads, maintenance and safety costs and environmental impacts."