FRA Sends Long Distance Study to Congress

February 23, 2025

FRA sends Amtrak long-distance service study to Congress. In the report, the FRA prioritizes 15 new long-distance routes and calls for restoration of Amtrak's daily service on its Cardinal and Sunset Limited routes. The FRA worked on the study from 2022 to 2024, during which time it received over 50,000 stakeholder and public comments that indicated overwhelming support for long-distance services or passenger rail in general, the report states. The final report also recommends consideration of a new long-distance committee made up of stakeholders from across the country — including host railroads, states and communities served by Amtrak long-distance routes, Amtrak and the FRA — that could serve as a forum for feedback and discussion related to current Amtrak long-distance service.

If the government funded these Amtrak routes, 39 million more people would have rail access. A new map, as part of a recent Federal Railroad Administration study, shows what the country could look like if 15 additional long-distance routes were added. With those rail lines, previously stranded regions of the country are suddenly connected with bright lines representing passenger rail. They would make the country’s rail network considerably fuller and would bring rail service to all of the lower 48 states. These 15 potential new Amtrak routes would add more than 23,000 rail miles to the system, serve more than 60 new metropolitan areas, and provide rail access to 39 million people that currently don’t have it.

January 2025 Updates

January 26, 2025

Minnesota Legislature

Is not off to a good start. Due to several disputed Minnesota House seats, neither party has a quorum, and the Minnesota Supreme Court ruled on Friday January 25 that the House cannot conduct its business without a quarum. Democrats sought a power seeking resolution, but that has not come to pass as of January 26. Hearings for the week of January 27 have been cancelled until these issues are resolved. In the meantime though, several bills have been introduced to cancel and claw back appropriations approved last session for transit, commuter rail, and Northern Lights Express. These bills include:

HF14 (Robbins) Temporary moratorium established on certain light rail transit expenditures.

HF 84 (Koznick) Commissioner of transportation and Metropolitan Council required to request approval to discontinue Northstar passenger rail operations, and report required

HF 85 (Koznick) Northstar Commuter Rail line performance requirements and conditional termination established.

HF240 (Anderson, P E) Northern Lights Express passenger rail project expenditures prohibited.

HF241 (Anderson P E) Passenger rail appropriation modified.

All Aboard Minnesota obviously vigorously opposes these bills, and we will testify against them when these bills are heard. It should be clear to Minnesota Legislators that Minnesotans want more rail passenger service, not less. The success of the Borealis is a clear measure that when rail service is provided, people will use it. As we have reported also, the Empire Builder has seen an increase in ridership over last year. Please contact your Minnesota House and Senate representatives, along with the Governors office, and tell them you oppose these bills. Citizen advocacy works!

Speaking of the Borealis - as we just reported on the December 2024 numbers, ridership remains very strong, and the train is likely to exceed its forecast for annual ridership within the first eight months. See the full report on the the "New Train 2nd Train - Twin Cities to Chicago" landing page in the About section of this site. We've also published some interesting ridership analysis of the Borealis, and its financial and on time performance.

Twin Cities - Des Moines - Kansas City -

All Aboard Minnesota recently published a comprehensive report and anlaysis on this route, about what it would take to restore passenger service on this line. We strongly believe it has strong potential, and have asked MnDOT to consider this route for a future FRA Corridor ID application. We have provided the report to MnDOT, Iowa DOT, MoDOT, chairs of the House and Senate Transportation Committees, the Governors office, and Rep. Melissa Hortman. You can read the full report on the About - Our Vision - Twin Cities - Des Moines - Kansas City Route page. We will keep you posted with any developments.

The Year Ahead

December 26, 2024

With the changing Presidency the year ahead could prove challenging for passenger rail. The first Trump administration was quite hostile to Amtrak and wanted to severely cut funding. With the IIJA act passed in 2022, there was $66B included for Amtrak, $36B of which was for Federal and State partnerships to advance new Corridors, as we have reported on. Could the new Trump administration claw that money back? It's possible but there has always been strong bi-partisan support in Congress for Amtrak and it would take an act of Congress to do it. With such slim majorities in the House and Senate, the undoing of the IIJA seems fairly unlikely. Even many US Reps and Senators from red states know the value Amtrak brings to their constituents. Trump's new Secretary of Transportation, Congressman Duffy (WI-7th) hasn't made any comments about Amtrak, but we know for certain he is quite hostile to Amtrak through previous votes. Time will tell.

Trump on the other hand, has made positive statements about high speed rail: “And you know, it's sad, because I've seen some of the greatest trains, I find it fascinating, and I've seen the systems and how they work, and the bullet trains they call them… they go unbelievably fast, unbelievably comfortable with no problems, and we don't have anything like that in this country, not even close,” said President-elect Trump in an August 2024 interview with tech entrepreneur Elon Musk. “It doesn't make sense that we don't, doesn't make sense.”

What does it look like in Minnesota? Democrats hold a one seat majority in the Senate, and it appears the GOP now holds a one seat majority in the House. A judge just ruled that the Democrat who narrowly won district 54B, which would have provided an even split between Democrats and the GOP in the house, is now disqualified as he didn't meet the residency rule. Democrats have appealed the decision to the Minnesota Supreme Court. We are hopeful, however, that the immediate and ongoing success of the Borealis, not only from a ridership perspective, but financial performance perspective, will change the debate for expansion of passenger rail in Minnesota positively. We will keep you posted on developments this session and ask for your support through action alerts if needed. Stay tuned!

For All Aboard Minnesota's part, we will continue to advocate and educate for the extension of the Borealis from St. Paul to Fargo, through St. Cloud on the Empire Builder route, and new Twin Cities to Kansas City service. We will also work with our Wisconsin partners for new service to Madison and Green Bay, a second Borealis frequency, and a new Twin Cities to Chicago train through Madison, and EauClaire, WI.

Borealis Ridership and Financial Performance

December 21, 2024

We have just sourced from WisDOT, MnDOT, Amtrak, and the Wisconsin Association of Railroad Passenger a number of statistics and information about the Borealis performance this summer and Amtrak's fiscal year which ended on September 30, 2024. This information is all posted on the "New 2nd Train: Twin Cities to Chicago Borealis" page in this News and Media section. Bottom line, the Borealis is the best performing corridor service in the upper midwest based upon ridership and financial performance. The success continues! Check it all out.

Upper Midwest Passenger Rail Scene Happenings

December 15, 2024

As we have for many years now, All Aboard Minnesota attended the Midwest Interstate Passenger Rail Commisions annual meeting, which was held at the St. Paul Union Depot in November 2024 Here are some of the highlights from that meeting about what is happening for passenger rail expansion in states around us:

In addition to Minnesota progressing on the Twin Cities to Duluth service (NLX) there is a great deal happening in the states around Minnesota to advance passenger rail. Here are some of the highlights:

  1. Michigan seeks to expand service frequencies on all three of their current state corridor routes, extend service into Canada, establish service in the Detroit - Toledo - Cleveland corridor, add more new equipment, and increase speeds to 110 mph

  2. Wisconsin which wants to extend service from Milwaukee to Green Bay, and Madison, along with a third Twin Cities to Chicago train routed through Eau Claire, and looking to add a second Borealis frequency

  3. Oklahoma which seeks to connect the Heartland Flyer with the Southwest Chief in either Kansas City or Newton

  4. Indiana which wants to increase speed between Indianapolis and Chicago, making the Cardinal long distance train daily, establish daily service between Indianapolis and Chicago, establish service from Indianapolis to Louisville, and is in Step 1 of the Corridor ID program to establish service in the Chicago -Ft. Wayne - Columbus - Pittsburgh corridor

  5. Missouri wants to add additional frequencies to the Missouri River Runner and increase speeds to 110mph from Lincoln

  6. Iowa is in step 1 of the Corridor ID program to establish service from Chicago to the Quad Cities. Plans are to establish two roundtrips daily

Many of these services are planned to be operational by 2027 if all goes well. Lots happening, lets hope many of these plans come to fruition. We will keep you posted.

Amtrak notches ridership and revenue record for fiscal 2024

November 27, 2024

Trains Article Analysis - WASHINGTON — The increases weren’t large compared to pre-pandemic 2019, but more Northeast Regional frequencies enabled Amtrak to capture enough travel demand to beat the company’s previous overall record ridership in fiscal 2024. Also, a 24% gain in ticket revenue from long-distance trains compared to 2019, in spite of constricted coach and sleeping car capacity, generated a 6% rise in total revenue.

These are among the takeaways from Amtrak’s fiscal year ending Sept. 30, as revealed in the 2024 monthly performance report released late last week. A table below provides a closer look at how price and patronage interact on some services.

Table comparing Amtrak ridership and revenue in fiscal years 2019, 2023, and 2024

The money generated on trains that travel more than 750 miles (even if passengers aboard might not) is up sharply from 2019. Diminished capacity led to fewer riders on trains like the Texas Eagle, which operated with more sleeping car capacity (it had a transition sleeper) and additional coaches. The situation has recently been partially rectified [see “Amtrak adds to Texas Eagle capacity …,” Trains News Wire, July 29, 2024]. Southwest Chief patronage suffered because, until recently, it was routinely assigned only two Superliner coaches when the train previously had three or four in peak season. On the other hand, the Capitol Limited’s expansion of coach and sleeping car capacity between 2023 and 2024 paid immediate dividends. Another success story is Auto Train, the only long-distance train that maintained daily frequencies throughout the pandemic. It capitalized on higher gas prices in 2023 but marginally lost clientele in 2024 when gas prices retreated.

Added frequencies create exponential ridership gains

Hands-on management and a reliable funding commitment at the state level have allowed Virginia, North Carolina, and Maine to actively promote their service and add round trips. Price reductions coupled with more Virginia-sponsored frequencies to Norfolk and Roanoke have resulted in sustained growth, while additional Piedmonts between Raleigh and Charlotte, N.C., have made the service more relevant. Both Wisconsin’s Hiawathas and California’s Pacific Surfliner were among the operations hurt by a change in commuting patterns; landslide disruptions on the route to San Diego also injected cancellations. But the introduction of the Borealis as an extension to one of the Hiawatha round trips, providing an extra frequency on the previously once-daily Empire Builder route to the Twin Cities helped counteract that shortfall.

Capacity, frequency yields dividends

The complete document available on Amtrak’s website contains a variety of other “route level results.”

The table below, derived from that section, shows that a key factor in the Northeast Corridor’s strong performance is how the number of train starts grew from fiscal 2023 to 2024 (comparable data was not provided in the 2019 report). This was accomplished by introducing quick terminal turns with push-pull equipment for Northeast Regional trains and squeezing more departures out of an Acela fleet in which trainsets have been permanently sidelined. The small increases in the other categories were the result of Amtrak’s belated return to daily operation of some long-distance trains in the fall of 2022, and more Cascades, Piedmont, and Virginia round trips.

Table comparing Amtrak train frequencies and passenger-miles, 2023 and 2024

Also note the relationship between length of trips and frequencies. The Northeast Corridor’s 24,530 trains produced 2.5 billion passenger-miles while the long-distance network generated about 2.2 billion passenger miles with 13,047 fewer departures. Meanwhile, state-supported service delivered the fewest passenger-miles with almost 70% of the trains. While all these numbers may make eyes glaze over, they show the ways beyond ridership and revenue that Amtrak’s network can be valued.

Happy Holidays from All Aboard Minnesota!

November 25, 2024

Well, we did it!! Citizen advocacy paid off and we finally have our 2nd Twin Cities to Chicago train, the Borealis. Since All Aboard Minnesota’s inception, we have worked with you, our members and friends, to get this service started and to make your voices heard. The Minnesota Legislature fully funded the Borealis and the state share for the Twin Cities to Duluth service – Northern Lights Express (NLX). Several legislators credited the voices from AAMN and the Great River Rail Commission in turning the tide towards more rail passenger service.

Our work has continued in earnest this year, with investment in expanding our social media platforms to reach new audiences. Additionally, we’ve met with mayors, city councils, business organizations and other leaders on the St. Paul to Fargo/Moorhead corridor to extend the Borealis on a daytime schedule. We’ve met with more than 35 of these civic and business leaders, all of whom recognize and support the need for more rail passenger service in this corridor.

With the success of the Borealis, we believe the time is now for more expansion. At the time of this writing, there have been more than 120,000 riders since May (two thirds of them in the Milwaukee to St. Paul corridor alone) In addition to extending the Borealis to Fargo/Moorhead on a daytime schedule, we believe that service from the Twin Cities to Kansas City through southern Minnesota and Des Moines would greatly benefit our region. We project that 190,000 riders would patronize this route, offering connections to the Amtrak network serving Denver, San Francisco, and Los Angeles.

We are grateful for your past contributions, and we ask for your continued support. This work takes volunteer time and money. If you are inspired by the accomplishments to date, and what we can do together to further expand passenger rail in our region, please consider making an end-of-year contribution to propel our mission forward.

We wish you a happy and healthy holiday season, and best wishes in 2025.

Borealis in the news!

September 12, 2024

Recently, Brian Nelson from All Aboard Minnesota was contacted by the StarTribune, the Minnesota News Network, and KVRR TV News in Fargo ND on the possibility of extending the Borealis Twin Cities to Chicago train to Fargo/Moorhead through St. Cloud, which is the same route as the Empire Builder. Extending the Borealis on a daytime schedule to Fargo/Moorhead is a service All Aboard Minnesota has been advocating and educating on for some time. Also, there is a lot of on line community support. We hope the success of the Borealis will enable its extension on this important corridor serving Minnesota and North Dakota. The stories are posted here:

StarTribune Borealis Story

Minnesota News Network Borealis Interview


3rd Quarter Newsletter 2024

August 5, 2024

In this issue:

  • BOREALIS PERFORMANCE - Two Months Results and Trip Reports
  • EXTENDING BOREALIS TO FARGO - Outreach Plans and Report
  • LEGISLATIVE IMPACT - Railroad Police Bill Passed


We are very excited to announce that the Borealis is off to a great start! Amtrak announced that the number of riders in June was 18,500! This means that there are approximately 300 riders each way each day. If these numbers hold, this equates to annual ridership of over 220,000! All Aboard Minnesota forecast 155,000 annual riders, and MnDOT and Amtrak forecast around 125,000.

Brian Nelson of AAMN rode the Borealis in June, and reported that the train each way was sold out with many riders in their 20-30's and many families with young children, exactly the demographic we thought would use the new service.

The Empire Builder has seen an increase in ridership this year over last year as well, and as the Twin Cities to Chicago corridor is one of the most heavily traveled on the EB, we don't believe there is much cannibalization of riders from the EB to the Borealis.

The press also noted the success, with reports in the Pioneer Press, StarTribune, and WCCO radio which interviewed Brian Nelson.

New Initiatives:

It was recently announced that Wisconsin DOT received two Corridor ID grants for the Twin Cities-Milwaukee-Chicago corridor, which MnDOT supported:

  • New route via Madison and Eau Claire
  • Additional frequency on the current route

Possibly the continued success of the Borealis will support these additions.

Volunteer needed

We need a volunteer to record the on time performance of the Borealis. We do have a link to a site to get you started. You can do this from home in a simple chart so we can monitor why the train is late and patterns. We need this train to be on time and to succeed.

If you are iInterested or have questions: Contact -

We will keep you posted on the Borealis success going forward.

Card given to passengers on inaugural Borealis trains

Cards given to all passengers on the inaugural runs of the Borealis


Striking while the iron is hot! As MnDOT is updating the state passenger rail plan, and studying the St. Paul to Fargo/Moorhead passenger rail corridor, Jerry Ratliff will be conducting in person meetings with chamber of commerce and mayors in communities along the corridor (same route as the Empire Builder). The purpose of the meetings is to educate them about the success of the Borealis and ask that they call key Minnesota legislators and MnDOT asking that the Borealis be extended from St. Paul to Fargo/Moorhead. Jerry's first report follows:

Outreach Report for July by Jerry Ratliff

After over a year in planning and with the help of many members and board members, I left Monday July 15th for a 3 day trip from St Cloud through Detroit Lakes. Before leaving I emailed all of them that I was coming and included links to our 3 min video and our Borealis extension video.

I met with 19 mayors, city managers, and chamber presidents or directors. I briefly shared the success of the Borealis and the need for them to give input into the MNDot study of the extension of the Borealis to Fargo. [reference the alert that Brian is sending out for members to complete or include link here]

I left with them a folder with key information including the 4 contacts for this study and the proposed schedule. When I got home I sent all of them the 2 pdfs of tentative schedule and the links (now electronic) to the 4 contacts for the study to add this Borealis extension.

This trip was not only intense, but very positive. I was able to connect with many civic leaders who were not aware of the train or the study. In addition, thanks to our member Dave Lingo, I had an updated email for almost all of them. But several names and addresses have changed so I need to update the spreadsheet so we can stay in touch.

On a personal note, I had great conversations answering some really basic questions, supporting their efforts to get public support, and getting to know some new people. I knew many from my 2017 Outreach visits. Finally, as much as I hate driving, I think empowering these Greater Minnesota civic leaders is not only important, but has been a key to our success. I felt energized by them. And, of course, thanks to all of those members and others who have donated time and money to make the wonderful folders I handed out. What a team effort!


All Aboard Minnesota was one of the stakeholders for the Federal Rail Administration (FRA) Long Distance Study in the Midwest region, attended all the meetings and gave our input. The study is now complete and has been sent to Congress.

Two of the routes that we are actively advocating for are in the study, Chicago to Seattle through southern North Dakota and Montana ( route of the Northern Pacific's North Coast Limited ) which was discontinued in 1979, and Twin Cities to Houston, formerly the route of the Twin Star Rocket. Other proposed routes were Twin Cities to Denver and Twin Cities to Phoenix.

We are strong advocates of daytime service on the Empire Builder route from the Twin Cities to Fargo, extending the Borealis, and daytime Twin Cities to Kansas City service, of which both routes are included in the FRA study. You can find all the meeting materials and final report here:


MnDOT needs your help. Please click here to see the AAMN Alert


Railroad Police now have the same authority as regular police officers. AAMN worked in conjunction with the CPKC Railroad to pass legislation in the Minnesota Legislature that allows Railroad Police officers the same authority as police officers. Minnesota was one of only a few states that did not grant this authority. With many communities in Minnesota facing police officer shortages, this new legislation will be very helpful to ensure that Railroad Police can take actions to keep railroad property and stations safe. AAMN called on the Governor and House Speaker Melissa Hortman, amongst other legislators to support the bill, and it worked!


As we have noted before, in April All Aboard Minnesota embarked on robust Social Media campaign and expanded to three new channels, Instagram, Twitter(X) and TikToc. The main purpose of the campaign was to really tout the beginning of the Borealis and news about it to keep in front and center in the public eye. Since this is our first new rail passenger service since 1975, we are doing everything we can to promote the service to make it a success. Since starting the new social media push, we have noted much more engagement on Facebook and have built a great following on TikToc. Additionally, we are reaching new audiences with this campaign, especially through Twitter. The campaign ends in early October, and we will make decisions then about ongoing activities. Thanks to all of you who have liked, commented and have been engaged with our new social media campaign.

Click the Post to Take a Look!

Take a Look at a July Update!

MnDOT seeks your input!

July 30, 2024

Now is your chance! MnDOT is in the process of updating the Minnesota State Rail Passenger Plan and is seeking input from the public. See their email and links for input below. All Aboard Minnesota is actively educating and advocating for extending the Borealis on a daytime schedule to Fargo/Moorhead on the current Empire Builder route through St. Cloud, and new service from the Twin Cities to Kansas City through southern Minnesota and Des Moines. These two routes alone would serve about 70% of the states population (50 mile radius of each route) and provide significant east-west and north-south connections for Minnesotans. Please support us in our advocacy for these routes with your input. Thank you for your time and participation!

MnDOT Email -

The MN State Rail Plan needs your input

Thank you to everyone who has participated in the Minnesota State Rail Plan update process thus far. We still need your input!

The Minnesota State Rail Plan addresses a variety of topics important to the future of rail including safety, economic development and possible expansion of passenger rail. With more than 4,000 miles of freight and passenger rail lines in the state, the MSRP provides an overall vision for future development of the rail system and identifies priority rail corridors.

Take our passenger rail survey

Our current survey focuses on passenger rail with a goal of understanding needs for improved connectivity, safety and sustainability. Your input is critical to ensuring that the Minnesota State Rail Plan reflects the needs and priorities of our communities. By taking this survey, you will have a direct hand in crafting a transportation system that serves the needs of Minnesotans and shapes the future of passenger rail in Minnesota.

How to participate

More information

To learn more, visit the plan webpage at:


MnDOT invites and encourages participation by all people in their programs, services and activities. If you need an ASL, a foreign language interpreter, or documents in an alternative format (such as braille, large print or in a different language) at no cost, please email your request to Janet Miller at or call 651-366-4720. Relay service: 711.

If you need any other reasonable accommodation to participate (such as seating modification or auxiliary aids), please email your request to or call 1-833-400-8432. Relay service: 711.